Last Friday,Sir Hardip played a non-narrative film who was directed by Ron Pricke. The film was about 1 hour 36 minutes. The film was taken in various countries in the world. At first,I thought the film was going to be all bored but when then it went on,I came to realize that the film was actually pretty interesting.It made me think,made me want to know more about Baraka. The best part is it made me crack my head and made me ask myself,why are they even showing us this ? I was there,sitting and wondering what message are they trying to convey.Then,I told myself that I should start jotting down what I understand about each scene. Jotting it down kept me on track. Didn't want to get lost half way,so it was the best idea.If I never thought of it,I am pretty sure I will be all blank after 10 minutes.Oh ! Not to forget,each and every scene in the film has its own meaning.Its how we look up to it.Different people have different perception,so yea.All I can say that,Baraka is a extraordinary film.It even made me realize certain things in life that I can relate myself to.Besides that,what I love about this film is especially the scenes is it's honest,when you watch the whole film it puts it into context.
The obvious difference is that the chicks have absolutely no choice in what's happening to them in this situation,where else we people at least get to choose.It reminded me of being a pascaterian for 3 months once upon a time.Well,pascaterian is basically a person who eats a diet that includes seafood and excludes other animals.What made me be a pascaterian was after watching a video on how the animals were slaughtered. It was so awful till I couldn't take it. I just disagree with the methods that are used to kill and threat the animals.However,there is no need to be cruel. Fear doesn't taste good ! Since that day,I told myself that I am never going to eat meat ever again. Well,that did not happen because my dad was not really happy about it. It was so hard for him to not watch me eat meat while the rest was having them at home during dinner. But I was holding it on straight for three months.Strictly never had them.I rarely eat meat now because I don't like the fact that animals have to die to feed me even though its part of the nature.
Yes,I have been to Bali and yes,I have watched the Kecak Balinese monkey chant live. Its also a form of dance and music drama(the ramayana story was played out). I visited Bali,Indonesia when I was about 16 years old with my family.It was a tour. Part of our tour,we visited a place called GWK Cultural Park. It was a huge place. There is always a free daily performance at the amphitheater.So,we were lucky to watch it live with many other people.It was great with the combination of sunset,temple and monkeys."Cak...Cak...Cak...Cak.."The dance went on for about an hour.I took a video of the whole performance but it took me forever to upload it.Besides that,the crowd was huge.Here are a few pictures taken by me during the performance.
Yes,I have been to Bali and yes,I have watched the Kecak Balinese monkey chant live. Its also a form of dance and music drama(the ramayana story was played out). I visited Bali,Indonesia when I was about 16 years old with my family.It was a tour. Part of our tour,we visited a place called GWK Cultural Park. It was a huge place. There is always a free daily performance at the amphitheater.So,we were lucky to watch it live with many other people.It was great with the combination of sunset,temple and monkeys."Cak...Cak...Cak...Cak.."The dance went on for about an hour.I took a video of the whole performance but it took me forever to upload it.Besides that,the crowd was huge.Here are a few pictures taken by me during the performance.
The movie,Baraka made me realize a few things in life. Learn to appreciate every single thing in life.How lucky we are now.We have mostly everything these days compared to those time.Things have changed a lot. then and now.Well,some of us hope to have times like those.Wishing that the pretty side could just remain as it is today.In the nutshell,every human being in this earth have the responsibilities to save and conserve the environment as our future generation can enjoy what we have today.Baraka,made mt heart warm,eyes wet,brought wide smile on my space and also inspired thoughts to reflect on.